When seeking a job, be it your first one or not, the most attention needs o be paid to your Curriculum Vitae and the Cover Letter accompanying it. These are YOUR SALES TOOLS; and the response that you get from the job market is largely dependent upon these. Thus, a little investment in the beginning will help you greatly in the long run.
If You Want to Have Your CV Designed (investment is PKR 5000.00 only), provide us the following details:
1. Your Academic Qualifications with Grades Achieved & Year of Beginning & Completion
2. Details of Any Certifications You Might Have Acquired
3. Your Experience Details Telling The Exact Period of The Jobs You Had and The Reason for Leaving
4. Your Postal Address
5. Your Landline Number
6. Your Cell Number
7. Your Email ID
8. References, if any
f You Want to Have Your Cover Letter Designed
(investment is PKR 2000.00 only), provide us the following details:
1. The job for which to apply
2. The designation for which you intend to apply
3. Is the job in question solicited or not
4. Copy of the job ad, if it is solicited
5. Your detailed CV
6. Your present employment and responsibilities
The investment will have to be paid through either cheque or Bank direct deposit (cash) in the name of the THE OPTIMIZERS, at any branch of Standard Chartered Bank in Pakistan.
Account Title: The Optimizers (SMC-Pvt) Limited
Account #: 01178269601
Bank Name: Standard Chartered
Bank Branch: F-10 Markaz Branch, Islamabad - Pakistan.
After submission of cheque/Bank direct deposit (cash) please send an email to registration@optimizers.com.pk with the following required details:
Your Name: ______________________
Address: ________________________
Contact #: _______________________
Email: _______________________
Fee Paid Rs. ________________________
Payment Method: (Cheque/Pay order/direct deposit in account/cash): ________________
Name of the Bank: *
(Where payment was made):_______________________________
Bank Branch Code : *
(Where payment was made):______________________________
Cheque/Pay Order Number: ____________________
Date of Payment: ____________________________
Please copy paste this form in MS Word, fill in the details and email it to us at registration@optimizers.com.pk